Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Ketika akhir pekan lalu ada ajakan main bowling dari teman kantorku, yang terlintas di benakku cuman "Ngapain sih pakai acara bowling segala, apa nggak ada olahraga lain? Mana aku belum pernah lagi - boro2 main, nyentuh bolanya aja belum. Bakalan malu2in nih nanti... Ah, tapi what the heck-lah, harus docoba nih - mumpung dibayarin ;-p. Biar gak gagap pergaulan banget, he3..."

Dan... kami pun berangkat sepulang kerja Jumat lalu. Itu tuh di belakang 21 Plaza Senayan. Total ada 12 orang. Dan ternyata hanya 3 orang saja yang pernah atau rutin main. Sementara yang lain masih debutan juga. Guess what, termasuk yang ngajak juga! Ahh, lega deh, banyak temennya. Mau kalah telak pun nggak apa-apa, asal nggak jatuh atau keseleo - seperti seorang mbak-mbak berjilbab yang menangis dengan tangan kanan diluruskan saat didorong di atas kursi beroda oleh teman-temannya (yang beberapa di antaranya sibuk menelpon) bersama para petugas bowling alley itu. Mungkin dia terjatuh atau salah lempar sampai ada yang salah dengan persendian bahunya... Cleguk, I didn't know this relatively 'sissy' sport can be so dangerous too...

Me and my office mates after the game

And I found that, yes, I suck at bowling. Di antara para newbie lain pun aku termasuk 3-4 orang yang paling jeblok skornya - skor yang sampai selesai main pun masih membingungkanku bagaimana sih sebenarnya cara ngitungnya. It was fun (mainly the teasing and screaming part ;-p), but I know that basketball or futsal court are still places with a whole lot more fun for me. Especially when I found out how much money my friend had to pay that night (2 rounds of game plus shoes rent plus drinks for 12 people...). Pffhh, I was glad it wasn't me who had to spend so much cash just to throw some hard heavy balls...


eloque said...

Funny you should mention such a friend. Just recently i happened to encounter similar case.. which leads me to suppose that this particular friend of yours didn't spend a fortune merely for his passion for bowling. Sad as it might seem, perhaps it was more about an attempt to buy "friendship" or "togetherness", or (in a more sterile term) to fulfill his basic need of social relationship.
Undoubtedly YOU wouldn't waste your cash on bowling or such things, simply because you don't NEED to.
Some of us have the blessings of jovial personalities (that attract people like magnets) or warm camaraderies.. and take 'em for granted. Some others have to get 'em the hard way. They might have to work their b*tt to afford those "privileged" treasures, only to end up being considered weirdos.
(At least this was the case with MY friend.)
Oh well. C'EST LA VIE.

KangBono™ said...

Well spot on, li'l sis, well spot on! I couldn't agree less. That was my friend's case too.
It was too obvious what he was trying 'to buy'.
I think he failed big time.

Oh, well, they say the best things in life are free...